- Type: symmetric transposition cipher
- Relies on the use permutations.
- It is one of the simplest forms of block cipher.
- It is unknown if such cipher was actually used. However, the concept is present in several modern ciphers.
The key is the tuple (b, r) such that b is the block size and r is the number of rotations (circular shifts).
- Break plaintext into blocks of size b
- If one of the blocks is empty, pad with some character like 'Q'.
- Rotate each block r times to the left (circular shift)
- Merge the modified blocks
Encrypt using (b, -r), i.e., perform right circular shift on each block.
Plaintext = 'Cryptography_is_fun'
Key = (4,1)
C r y p t o g r a p h y _ i s _ f u n Q
r y p C o g r t p h y a i s _ _ u n Q f
Ciphertext = rypCogrtphyais__unQf
General Analysis: