
The Vigenère Square:

Vigenère used the following square


The table has the following features:

The table is to be interpreted as the following:

Vigenère Cipher (Version 1: Autokey)


  1. Both Alice and Bob agree on a single character to be the key (It is also known as the auto-key). Let it be the character: P
  2. The sender writes the plaintext in one line. I Saw Michelangelo at work I S A W M I C H E L A N G E L O A T W O R K
  3. The sender prepares another line (to be aligned with plaintext and written beneath it) which consists of the key + the plaintext (except the last character). I S A W M I C H E L A N G E L O A T W O R K P I S A W M I C H E L A N G E L O A T W O R